For the most part, the tea party has tried to keep very quiet about the allegations. Bill Hennessy posted a little information about the PAC (which is inadequate, as I'll explain in a future post), but in general the only discussion has been tea party members urging people not to talk about the issue in public. So it was especially interesting to see this comment from Mr. Jimi:
@Theblacksphere Ashamed? C'mon man? I think it's a tragedy unfolding and the damage it could do to a great cause, a great group. Not needed

My solution is this and I'll present this to Bill and Gina. Let's see ALL the paperwork from the PAC and let's see ALL who contribute and let's see ALL who receive and let's see ALL receipts. Let's see it now and let's see a pledge to make it available to the public from here on out. That way innocent, hard working people will not be harmed by suspicion or innuendo. And that way good people who have the same expectations of the TP leadership as they do of the U.S government won't be smeared and threatened with lawsuits and otherwise trashed in this little game of high school.I should just add: this shouldn't apply only to the PAC, but also to the many other ways in which the Tea Party generates income, from the $25,000 dollar Conservatives of America glorified website to the tea shirts and hats they sell to the Ensuring Liberty corporation. That's not too much to ask, right? If they're criticizing the government for a lack of transparency, then surely they can be transparent in their own organization?
All too true. Thanks for fighting the good fight on a daily basis and keeping those of us informed that would otherwise likely remain ignorant of so much of the info you share. Rock on.