"In a stunning show of passionate activism in support of the Affordable Care Act Tuesday, over 60 voters from across Missouri and numerous organizations, packed a Senate hearing room to express opposition to SR 27, a senate bill calling on Attorney General Koster to join a ridiculous lawsuit opposing the health care reform bill passed last year. Over 20 testimonies opposed. Only 1 in favor, Sen. Jane Cunningham, sponsor."
"60 citizens of the state walked to the Supreme Court Bldg. in Jefferson City and requested an unplanned meeting with Attorney General Koster. He met with us for several minutes and we presented him with paper copies of 20 testimonies given before the Senate Rules Committee today in opposition to SR27."
"Stickers we all wore:"
"Katie and her beautiful daughter, who also supports the Affordable Care Act."
Press release:
Over 60 voters and many community groups supporting the Affordable Care Act came to the Missouri Senate today to tell legislators to stop playing politics with health care. The Senate Rules Committee had a hearing at 2:30 PM in the Senate Lounge about a Resolution calling upon Attorney General Koster to sue the federal government over the health reform law.
Supporters of the Affordable Care Act chastised Senators for spending taxpayer money on political stunts. Bob Minor, a member of Jobs with Justice’s leadership team in Kansas City expressed outrage at the Senate Resolution. “We have hundreds of families who are now insuring young adults under age 26 because the law gives us that choice. We have thousands of retirees who are getting free preventive care and annual exams in Medicare. And these Senators are using taxpayer dollars to try to take away these benefits.”
Most of those who testified stressed the benefits of the Affordable Care Act. Bernadette Gronborg of Festus spoke about the new rules that require health insurance companies to spend 80-85% of premiums on medical care. “This will make sure that we consumers get real value and real coverage for our health insurance dollars.” Gronborg said. Gronborg, who is 63, went on to say that her own health insurance premiums went up two times this year, even though she is healthy and has filed no claims.
More than 16 community groups, senior groups, clergy and faith-based organizations came to tell the Senators they support the new health care law.
Barbara Richter of Kirkwood made the trip to Jefferson City to remind Senators that the new law is already helping small businesses and women. “Under the new law, insurance companies will have to offer health care that women need. Before health care reform, some insurance companies refused to cover pregnancy, women who had previously had a C-section, or been a survivor or domestic or sexual violence. Under the new law, health insurance companies won't be able to do this.” “And,” Richter continued, “Insurance companies will not be able to charge women higher premiums than men. These are important changes.”
Supporters of the federal health care law also made hundreds of phone calls and emails to Missouri Senators. From Springfield to St. Louis, Kansas City to Kennett, voters called with their personal stories about why health care reform is needed now.
Those attending include clergy leaders, members of Missouri Health Care for All, Jobs with Justice, Metropolitan Congregations United, Women's Voices Raised for Social Justice, and the AFL-CIO.
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