Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dana Loesch Reverses Position on "Birfers"

Dana Loesch used to claim that it was hypocritical for conservatives to expect to get a pass for being a "birfer" and compared the position to being a 9/11 truther. In a blog post a little over a year ago, she quoted Erick Erickson as saying the following:
We should be willing to show each other good grace and a measure of understanding in dealing with the troublesome fringe. We should also remember it was the Clintonistas who started the birfer rumor and the most vocal truthers live in Hollywood and voted for Obama. That is not, however, an excuse for us to associate with the nuts....We must be vigilant. We must be willing to draw a line in the sand and stand against fatuous nonsense that opens up the right to attacks by a left-leaning media intent on embarrassing the good people who have developed through the tea party movement a renewed sense of civic involvement.
Loesch added:
It’s a waste of time to focus on anything other more convicting of character than say, the abuse of the Commerce Clause in fauxcare, the unconstitutionality of nationalizing huge chunks of the private sector, the appointment of extremists to positions of power, the list is endless.

I’m fully aware and accept that there are extremes on both sides of the political spectrum. What I don’t accept is the complete and total hypocrisy that comes from demanding Van Jones’ resignation for the exact same thing while expecting other conservatives or activists to give them a pass because they are conservative.
So I'm sure it will come as a huge surprise to find out that Loesch is now happy to "associate with the nuts" and to "give a pass" to the birther conspiracy theorists. On her show yesterday, she let Donald Trump rant unchallenged about Obama's birth certificate:

CNN sure has high standards!

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