"At 11 a.m., Basel entered the Hale Boggs building with his associate, Robert Flanagan, dressed up as telephone repairmen with hard hats and tool belts. They went to Senator Landrieu's 10th floor New Orleans office, where they found O'Keefe waiting.
Basel asked for access to the phone, manipulated it, tried to call it from a cell phone and said he couldn't get through. Basel and Flanagan said they'd have to fix it.
They were directed to the main office, where their credentials were requested. They claimed they "had left their credentials in their vehicle."
Under questioning, both admitted they weren't telephone repairmen and admitted to their role in the alleged phone-tapping operation."
Here's a pic of Basel after the arrest (via the AP):

And here's a pic of Basel at the Wash U campus gulag from winger Gateway Pundit's blog:

Basel has been repeatedly portrayed by the local right-wing media as a Washington University student. O'Keefe was also at the WashU event, and ironically enough secretly videotaped the administration and then edited it to make it look like they had a vendetta against the students (Basel plays a central role in this video as well).
Update: Forgot to mention that O'Keefe and Basel, along with their local friend Jon Burns, also crashed a Show Me No Hate rally in St. Louis and held "free abortions" signs while trying to secretly videotape people. O'Keefe was in town for a tea party rally.
Teach a man to videotape and he can make of fool of himself for life.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful way to upstage the balloon boy/guy and the White House Gate crashers, etc. I sure hope we haven't seen the last of these jewels of humanity. Nobody can say the radical conservative movement hasn't given us something for all. Don't tase me, bro.