Massey, who suffers from diabetic neuropathy and says he’s listed as a disabled student by the university, said that police then began punching him and kicking him in the sides. Police agree that they were forced to “apply striking blows to soft tissue areas.”Naturally, KMOX doesn't provide any acknowledgment of this blog, of the St. Louis American (which wrote about the story on Friday), or of the UMSL Current, the newspaper that really broke the story. But whatever: I'm just glad the story is finally getting out, and KMOX does do a nice job digging into the details.
Witnesses say Massey displayed “amazing calmness” as he was struck, eventually going down on one knee in hopes of avoiding further confrontation. But, he says, that only made him an easier target.
“They then hit me in the side, hit me in the legs again, pushed my head into the wall, and start hitting me in the head.”
It was only when a campus employee stepped between the officers and Massey did the beating come to an end, according to witnesses.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Not Bad: Mainstream Media Reports on UMSL Beating Only 5 Days After Activist Hub
On Monday, I reported on Brian Massey, a student badly beaten by UMSL police in November. Today, five days later, KMOX is reporting on the story:
If this doesn't cost the officers involved their jobs, I'm going to use every 'in' I have to get a sit down with the chancellor.