Some posts and media from locals today that I found interesting...
Jean Ponzi of EarthWorms interviewed Julia Butterfly Hill and "No Impact Man" Colin Beavan on Monday.
Ryan Witt at the Political Buzz Examiner discussed the risk of hurricane season combined with the BP oil spill.
Shark Fu at Angry Black Bitch discusses the agony of fubar and the limits of liability.
Arthur Lieber at Occastional Planet writes about the difficulty of managing a crises when everyone's looking.
Joe of Green Cartoons offers three plans for cleaning up the oil spill.
Several interesting articles from the Vital Voice:
A report on the Youth Brunch for Harvey Milk Week.
The Kick-Off of the LGBT Legal Project.
LGBT Elders Get Increased New Support
St. Louis Urbanism
St. Louis/Elsewhere discusses the future of the Delmar Station.
Steve Patterson joins many others in promoting the recent City to River call for activism.
The County Council ok'd a new public health center.
State/National politics:
Jake Wagman at the Political Fix writes about how IL Senate Candiate Mark Kirk distorted his record and how Jo Ann Emerson distorted Tommy Sowers record, although worth pointing out that Wagman let's Kirk off the hook without recognizing the Kirk has made these claims repeatedly.
Twitter founder Jack Dorsey will be on hand at Sowers fundraiser next week, according to the Beacon.
Nathaniel at Stay Curious asks what would have happened if Iran or China attacked a NATO member.
Claire McCaskill weighed in on Israel, the proposed China hub, and gun rights.
The Post-Dispatch had an interesting article about how refugees increasing find a home in St. Louis.
Thomas at Creative St. Louis wrote about the KDHX Monday talk lineup and specifically a discussion of The Archive bookstore.
Chris at the Storch Agency discusses how Imo's new store could have an amazing opening.
Alderwoman Kacie Starr Triplett invited people to "An Evening with A Starr."
Erich Vieth at Dangerous Intersection points us towards an interview of Carl Sagan's son.
The Beacon reports on the fact that many hate crimes often go unreported.
Terry at the Bosque shares a really interesting story about his wife's reunion with her father.
Reads4Pleasure shares her summer reading list.
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