I'm proud to say that I participated in a protest a couple weeks ago outside of the Laclede Gas Building. The Human Rights campaign had previously ranked Laclede Gas as tied for the worst place to work if you're LGBT. They were tied with Exxon, and behind freakin Cracker Barrel! Laclede did not include sexual orientation or gender identity in their non-discrimination policy.
Here's the Fox 2 News coverage of the rally:
But there was great news this past week! Laclede apparently decided they didn't like people calling them out directly outside of their building, and decided to change their non-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation! Unfortunately, they still don't include gender identity, but this is still a step in the right direction.
Just goes to show that progressive activists and organizers are continually making the world better, even if the pace of change all too often seems mind-numbingly slow. Special props to the great people of the People's Settlement, Show Me No Hate, TransHaven, PROMO, and the local Human Rights Campaign for making this happen.
that is great news! way to go! providing inspiration to us all